Divest from Suzuki

Tell big donors to stop giving to the David Suzuki Foundation

Support Canadian Energy

David Suzuki has refused to denounce extremists and used dangerous rhetoric about blowing up pipelines. But the David Suzuki Foundation keeps raking in millions from big companies and foundations.

The other day Suzuki crossed a dangerous line and only apologized after a public backlash. But he didn't apologize for or condemn the group he was speaking to who said that world leaders could be killed due to inaction on climate.

The David Suzuki Foundation raised more than $13 million in 2020. Their donors are supporting David Suzuki, his extreme agenda and his dangerous rhetoric.

Let's tell them that supporting David Suzuki is not acceptable. It’s clear that he won’t stand up to the extreme elements in the environmental movement.

You can help by sending the biggest donors a letter demanding that they stop donating to the David Suzuki Foundation.

Activists like David Suzuki only listen to the people who write their cheques. By putting pressure on donors activists will think twice before condoning violence.

These companies and foundations need to Divest from Suzuki.